/5 Incentive Travel Trends Your Company Should Take into Consideration

5 Incentive Travel Trends Your Company Should Take into Consideration

A study carried out by three major associations has revealed a number of current incentive travel trends. As a tour operator or travel company, you should really take these trends into account when organizing your next tour and incentive travel in Italy packages.

We’ve highlighted a handful of critical incentive travel trends for you in this post. They provide tremendous opportunities for businesses like yours, especially if you already offer incentive travel in Italy programs. If you don’t, it’s without question something you might want to look into.

5 Incentive Travel Trends To Focus On

1. All-Inclusive Trips Become Increasingly Popular

Incentive travel has grown greatly in the past year, but there are some disadvantages that might limit growth in the future. One such disadvantage is rising costs. Since incentive travel is a business expenses, many companies want to keep their costs as low as possible. This is why the rise of all-inclusive trips is one of the top incentive travel trends.

Therefore, incentive travel packages that include tours, accommodation, transportation, and so on get more and more valuable each year. FindYourItaly, for example, is a company that offers packages like that.

2. Travelers Are Much More Environment-Conscious

A particularly noteworthy megatrend in travel, especially in Europe, is that travelers are much more environment-conscious nowadays. The use of plastics and the management of waste, for instance, are major concerns among travelers. This explains the increased popularity of sustainable and eco-friendly tourism.

Companies, too, begin focusing on reducing waste, using renewable energy and lowering their ecological footprint. This is an opportunity for travel providers like you to offer them incentive travel programs that are in line with that: local, unique, authentic and sustainable experiences.

3. Wellness Programs Are On the Rise

This is another one of those incentive travel trends that really stands out. While before things like playing golf were major parts of tour and incentive travel, nowadays mental well-being, mindfulness and even spirituality are more important. There’s a clear trend in wellness activities such as yoga going on in incentive travel.

4. The Opportunity for Team Building Is Highly Valued

Although the top reason for running an incentive programs is still improving sales and profitability, there’s also a positive evolution toward building relationships.

Incentive travel may be a reward given to the best-performing employees, but it’s also a unique chance for a company to increase employee engagement and let managers and staff get to know each other better. Healthy personal relationships are extremely beneficial for  productivity, after all.

5. Destination Appeal Is a Top Criterion

A fifth noticeable trend in incentive travel is the importance of so-called “destination appeal”. It takes only simply logic to figure out that people are more motivated to perform better at work if the reward is a trip to an exciting destination–versus a non-attractive one.

While employees draw motivation from top destinations, companies on the other hand focus on the value-for-money it offers as well as overall safety. In all categories concerned, Italy is a top performer, one of the best possible incentive travel destinations.

Considering these major incentive travel trends, there is a huge business opportunity in this for travel companies and tour operators such as you. Feel free to take a look at our incentive travel in Italy products for more information about how we can help you.

By | 2019-04-19T22:33:15+00:00 April 19th, 2019|Incentive Travel|0 Comments